Home & Garden

Vegetable Garden 2020

My husband and I have had a garden every summer that we have lived at our house, with the exception of last year. We attempted planting tomatoes in buckets. Spoiler…it did not work.  The plan was to have a garden of raised beds last year already, but life got a little crazy and it didn’t happen.

So this year my husband had some time and built 4 raised garden beds for us.  Our decision to go this route was mainly because of all the weeds in the huge garden we previously planted. We just couldn’t keep up!

He made them really nice, with a walkway that will eventually be stone between them. (Right now that’s where the weeds are invading. They just keep coming back some way, some how!)

My husband loves asparagus. I could take it or leave it honestly, So we designated an entire bed to asparagus, since it comes up year after year. We got roots from a local greenhouse, and they just keep sprouting! We need to wait a year or two to actually have asparagus to eat. This year, the asparagus spears will go to seed. We’ve got a whole lot of spears coming out of the ground!

My mom and I try to can all kinds of tomato products every fall. One of my favorites is this tomato soup recipe. It is absolutely delicious. I never liked tomato soup until I tried the first batch we made. We try to plant more tomatoes than just about anything else. My husband engineered the tomato cages with rope so that hopefully they won’t fall over this year. We will just have to wait and see.

Green beans are my favorite to grow, preserve, and eat! I’ve gotten a handful so far, but there are so many baby beans that just need a few more days to mature.

My husband loves his hot peppers. So we have a whole bed dedicated to hot peppers. We tried a new variety of pepper this year. Not because we wanted to, but because I got mixed up at the greenhouse. I wanted to purchase hot cherry peppers, but instead I got Portugal Chile peppers. I guess he gets to try something new this year!

We also have hot banana peppers, which I like to pickle and can.  The jalapeños were looking a little sad for a while. Some sort of animal went through and snipped the tops off of all the jalapeño plants right after we got them in the ground. It didn’t look nibbled because some of the tops were still laying on the ground beside the plant. It’s happened before, and eventually we will figure out the mystery, but for now it remains just that.

And then there is the mystery plant. This vine-looking plant came up in the middle of the asparagus, and my husband replanted it in the bed with the beans just to see what happened. It almost didn’t make it, but it eventually rooted and started taking off.  I can’t wait to see what it is!  (And if anybody knows or wants to guess, go for it!)

So far everything is looking good and I am excited for our harvest!  I’ll periodically provide updates on Instagram and Facebook so you can see how our plants are doing!

How are your vegetable gardens looking? I’d love to hear all about them!


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