
DIY Gifts to Sew for a Baby Boy

I’ve waited quite a while to write this post because I didn’t want to ruin any surprises for my sister-in-law! She and my brother are expecting their first baby in the fall, and we had a baby shower for her last weekend. They are expecting a little baby boy, and I’ve been searching Pinterest for goodies to sew. I found…

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Patriotic Flip Flop Wreath

A little while ago, as I was driving up a road I don’t travel frequently, I saw a wreath made of flip flops hanging on the side of someone’s house. Initially, I had mixed feelings about the concept. But, for some reason, I couldn’t get that wreath out of my mind! So, I went cruising Pinterest to see if I…

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Adorable Crochet LEGO Blanket

Every year, our school hosts a benefit auction and dinner as a fundraiser. School families and people from the community donate items that are either part of a silent or live auction. Our banquet coordinator saw a crocheted LEGO blanket pattern on Facebook and, knowing that I had crocheted goodies before for the auction, asked me to try my hand…

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Home & Garden

DIY Facial Cleansing Gel

**This post contains affiliate links.  Please refer to our  Disclosure Policy for details.** A little over a year ago, I began using essential oil face cleanser and I haven’t looked back since! I began by using a face wash I purchased from a company, and I really liked it. I then decided to attempt to mix up my own. I used…

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Home & Garden

Shoe Deodorizer

This post contains affiliate links.  Please refer to our Disclosure Policy for details. Sometimes, our shoes stink. We may not want to admit it, but they do. No one likes to walk around in smelly shoes. And your family may not like it that much either! My husband’s dress shoes have recently developed an unpleasant odor. He has good Under…

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2017, Where Have You Gone??

I am not a big New Year’s resolution person. It’s totally fine if you are, it just doesn’t ever workout for me. Except twice. In 2015, a friend and I made a goal to run 15 races that year. We finished on December 31, 2015…in the dark…but we did it! The following year, she and I ran a half marathon…

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Cinnamon Applesauce Ornaments

Every year, my favorite Christmas ornaments to make with my students are made from two simple ingredients: cinnamon and applesauce.  That’s it.  It’s pretty incredible how they set up, actually! Each year, we fill the rooms and halls with the warm, spicy aroma of cinnamon.  As we were making the ornaments this year, some of my former students walked by…

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Salt Dough Christmas Ornaments

Every year, I love making Christmas ornaments with my students.  First, we decorate our classroom tree, and then they take their ornaments home and decorate their family’s tree.  One of the ornaments we made this year were salt dough ornaments.  I do not do this activity every year with my students, as it depends on the amount of time we…

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