Previously, I wrote a post about homemade facial cleanser using essential oils. To accompany that, I created a facial toner recipe for oily skin.
I had purchased some essential oil toner from a company, and I really liked using it! But when I ran out, I decided to look at the ingredients, and figure out my own (much like I did with the facial wash).
I did not use toner for the majority of my life. And there are probably some of you saying, “Me neither!” There are many articles on the internet that advocate adding the use of a facial toner to your skincare routine, as it has many benefits, such as removing excess oils and dirt and improving skin’s texture.
The original toner I bought and used contained tea tree oil as the main essential oil. Because tea tree oil has been reported to interfere with hormones, I decided to exchange it for thyme oil, which has many of the same benefits, but without the unwanted side effects. In the meantime, I have also found articles stating that tea tree oil is not estrogenic. Either way, I did not want to take that chance. (You are free to do your own research and draw your own conclusions here.)
Orange essential oil provides vitamin C which promotes healthy skin cells. Similarly, grapefruit helps to boost skin’s immunity to pollutants. Frankincense aids in reducing the appearance of scars and dark spots. Thyme oil serves to protect the skin from bacterial and fungal infections.
Plant Therapy’s Clear Complex oil is a carrier oil specifically formulated for oily skin. And here’s the best part…today only (Nov.26) Plant Therapy is offering 20% off all carrier oil purchases! All you need to do is click this link and use coupon code DAY3 at checkout! And if you do not want to purchase Clear Complex, all other carrier oils are 20% through this link and using the same coupon code (DAY3) at checkout!
So, after all of the explanation, the process is fairly simple! I enjoy mixing essential oil goodies because I feel like a scientist! I put my toner in a 2 oz. glass bottle because it does not get used quickly. Fill half of the bottle with witch hazel, and then add 10 drops of Clear Complex oil. Continue by adding 3 drops each of sweet orange and grapefruit essential oils, 5 drops frankincense oil, and 10 drops of thyme oil. Fill the rest of the bottle with distilled water, put the lid on, and shake it up good! Be sure to give it a shake before each use to make sure all of the ingredients are properly combined.
There is really not much to making this essential oil facial toner! It is pretty simple to mix up! However, if you choose to use essential oils, I encourage you to find a reputable source and do your own research. Knowledge is key!
If you feel that a facial toner is missing from your skin care routine, feel free to give this one a try!
2 oz. amber glass spray bottle
1 oz. witch hazel
1 oz. distilled water
3 drops sweet orange essential oil
3 drops grapefruit essential oil
5 drops frankincense essential oil
10 drops thyme essential oil
Fill glass bottle halfway with witch hazel. Add essential oils. Fill the rest of the bottle with distilled water. Shake well before each use.
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