
Realizing the Natural Beauty Around Us

This is slightly different from my other posts, but I thought something new might be a nice change of pace! The other day, I was driving home from grocery shopping. Since we do not live extremely close to any kind of grocery store, I only go shopping maybe once per week, sometimes even less. It forces me to really compile…

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My First Yard Sale Attempt

This year, I decided to venture into the fun world of yard sales! Each July, our “town” has two days of community yard sales. I knew I had some clothes and cleaning products that I no longer had use for, so I decided to try to have a yard sale. My first very own yard sale! When I was young,…

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About, Exercise & Health, Uncategorized

Crosscutters 5K

This morning my running friend and I took a bit of a road trip to run a 5K race at a minor league ballpark. The registration fee was donated to a good cause – The Children’s Development Center in Williamsport. This organization provides different types of therapy and other services to children in need of various interventions. When my friend…

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About, Uncategorized

A Few of My Favorite Summer Things

Happy summer!!! Since today is officially the first day of summer, I thought I would take some time to write about my favorite things about summer! (These are not necessarily in order of importance.) 1. Sweet Freedom! Ah, yes. The life of a teacher. I thoroughly enjoy teaching students, but I enjoy a relaxing summer equally as much! I can…

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My First Blog Post!

As I am new to blogging, I think it is best you all know a little bit about me. I am not really an expert, but I have a lot of interests and hobbies. And I figure, why should I keep them to myself? If I can help someone else, how great is that! I have been married to my…

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