
Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats

I’ve been hearing about this overnight oats “craze” for a while now. Different recipes all over Pinterest, people talking about how good oats are for you. Making up my mind to try this was difficult for me, because I love eggs for breakfast. Salty savory breakfasts are my thing! (Sprouted toast, goat cheese, and an over-hard egg is my go-to!)

But, bravely, I decided to try something new. I researched some different ways to make overnight oats, and the basics were all pretty similar. Equal parts oats and milk (I use homemade almond milk) and then put it in the fridge overnight. Done.

Overnight oats

I remember eating a packet of apple cinnamon oatmeal as a quick breakfast years ago, before my husband and I were married. I’ve eaten other kinds when I was a kid, but not frequently and I don’t remember what flavors. Anyway, I particularly like the apple cinnamon and I figured it would be simple to replicate.

I baked the apples ahead of time to go in the oatmeal. I’ve used a couple different kinds of apples, and some taste better baked than others. Jonagold have been the best tasting so far. (Naturally, they have to be from K. Schlegel Fruit Farms!) All I did was slice them up, spray them with cooking spray and sprinkle them with some cinnamon. They baked for about 20 minutes (or until they are as soft as I’d like) at 350 degrees.

Baked apples

As I prepare the oats the night before I plan to eat them, I add 1/2 cup oats and 1/2 cup almond milk. I also add 1 teaspoon cinnamon and a scoop (about 1/8 cup) of Greek yogurt (I like to use Cabot whole milk yogurt because it is sooooo creamy) along with 1/2 Tablespoon of freshly ground flax seed.

Overnight oats ingredients

I don’t add the apples until right before I microwave the oats. It would probably be fine to add them at night, but I just choose not to.

All of the Pinterest pictures show overnight oats in a mason jar. I chose to use a glass bowl, and it works for me so I’m sticking with it! It just makes it easier to stir the oats while I am microwaving them.

I don’t think I could eat cold oatmeal. That just doesn’t seem natural to me. So I microwave my oats for about 3 minutes in 30 second increments, stirring in between. It gets thicker as it heats up, which I really like! The more rib-sticking it is, the more satiated my hunger feels.

Overnight oats

And that’s really all there is to it! A little prep the evening before and a few minutes in the microwave and you’ve got a tasty, healthy breakfast!


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